Friday, March 18, 2011

Special Thanks to Stella Page

I've been blessed with a few upcoming events.  Two of which are in May.  I was so torn about the May 7th event, as my cousin is getting married in New Orleans.  I had to make the best decision for the company & that was to be part of this event. 
All the decisions that have been made so far seem right & true. 

A special thanks goes to Stella Page of Stella Page designs.  She is a wonderful friend, great business resource, and an amazing designer.  I personally own 5 of her handbags and all are works of art.  Stella's bags are all One of a Kind, number pieces and internationally admired. A special thanks goes out to her for sharing her experience and knowledge with me.  Thanks for being of service.  Stella's handbags can be found at

SVCC - The Write Up

This journey has been amazing. Surreal at times. Then something like this write up comes out & I have to believe it's real, it's happening, and I'm part of it.  Weird!!!  I've been working on the Spring Collection & I have to say it is adorable.  Modest, I know.