Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LaLa Originals made the Herald

I'm am still in pure amazement as to how this journey has been unfolding.  I keep thinking that I'm dreaming and someone should pinch me, but the dream is to good to wake up from.  Kathryn McKenzie, a journalist contacted me to do an article on LaLa Originals a few weeks ago.  It came out in the Monterey Herald today and she did an amazing job.

There are various mentions in the article of people who have helped me along the way, such as Stella Page.  It mentions the 3 current retail stores that carry LaLa Originals, Backspace,A Retail Place, Bliss Boutique, & The Hat Shop.  Carmel Art & Film Festival, Monterey County Film Commission, plus many more are also mentioned.

My heart is full of joy, excitement, & the thrill of the unknown journey ahead.

Do what you love, follow your bliss, and the universe wraps its arms around you.