Wednesday, September 28, 2011

LaLa Originals founder, Cindy Muscarello on Red Carpet

Cindy Muscarello, founder/designer of LaLa Originals on the red carpet @ The Brent Shapiro Foundation Party in LA.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LaLa Originals made the Herald

I'm am still in pure amazement as to how this journey has been unfolding.  I keep thinking that I'm dreaming and someone should pinch me, but the dream is to good to wake up from.  Kathryn McKenzie, a journalist contacted me to do an article on LaLa Originals a few weeks ago.  It came out in the Monterey Herald today and she did an amazing job.

There are various mentions in the article of people who have helped me along the way, such as Stella Page.  It mentions the 3 current retail stores that carry LaLa Originals, Backspace,A Retail Place, Bliss Boutique, & The Hat Shop.  Carmel Art & Film Festival, Monterey County Film Commission, plus many more are also mentioned.

My heart is full of joy, excitement, & the thrill of the unknown journey ahead.

Do what you love, follow your bliss, and the universe wraps its arms around you.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Baby/Toddler Hats

Crazy Cute article in the Monterey County Weekly

A special thanks to Mary Duan, the editor at the Weekly. She made it happen and was an angel in disguise. Christy the reporter interviewed me for over 2 hours and walked away with plenty of material.  I was on one that day. The article on LaLa Originals was wonderful, however out of all the pictures they took this is not the one I would have chosen. 
The number of hits on my website doubled in two days after the article came out and even with the terrible picture people recognized me on the street and stated they had seen the article.  Yay!!!
Hope there is more to come.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Article in the Monterey County Weekly 5-5-11 on LaLa Originals

The article is out!!!!

They took some creative license and not everything is accurate, but it's publicity which is very exciting. It states that I call myself the "Queen of Weird" which I don't remember saying but I guess I kind of am.  LOL!!! 

I could go through it and pick but I won't just very grateful. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Well Hello Blog..It's been awhile

Yes, it's been awhile since we last spoke, but here's the down & dirty of Life in the LaLa Lane.  We left off with my chat w/Stella and from that a variety of things came about.  Stella told me about the March 31 Appel and Frank event in San Francisco. I made the phone call, paid my entry fee, asked Cindy Vandenberg to help me w/the event, and off we went.  It was the first beautiful day Northern California had had all winter (high 70's to mid 80's) Picture perfect for San Francisco.  We had a lovely drive up, windows down, sun in our faces, and wind in our hair. Made the trip in record time, ate at the deli on Maiden Lane(Yummy!!) & then off to The Regency Center...Lots of excitement in the air..We set up LaLa Originals designated space and waited for the doors of success to swing open.  The line outside was increasing with the ticking of the clock. They came in enthusiasm but no money.  LaLa was very well received that evening and some purchases were made, however none of the vendors were successful that night. It was however a great experience, opportunity to network and learning lesson as to what type of venues LaLa Originals wants to participate in.  This event was then followed by the "Sassy City Chicks" event a week later in SF, but in the Marina.  Another beautiful day!!!  Jennifer Balesteri aka Jenny Jen came with me this time as my assistant and thank God she did. The energy was different for the Sassy City Chicks show.  Music blasting, vendors setting up, crowds gathering, lightness in the air.  LaLa Originals booth was in the back but was located next to the Bar, so actually it was a great location.  The booth directly next to me was April Reno Jewelry ( Her jewelry collection and designs are amazing.  We will definitely be hearing and seeing more of April in the future. She and her husband were a delightful couple and we became fast friends during the event.  I considered this event a success as I broke even and again it was another opportunity to network and market LaLa Originals.
Fast forward to NOW....Several first for LaLa Originals this week..Released Baby LaLa this week.  Hats, Flower Pendants, and Headbands...Also, sold one the same week..An article in the Monterey County Weekly will be coming out on Thursday and LaLa's first local event will be held at Spanish Bay Resort in Pebble Beach on May 7.  The event is "Go Red for Women" American Heart Association.  I attended this event as patron but will be a vendor this year.  It's such a great cause. 
Designing and more designing the next few week.  LaLa Originals will be the lone Vendor at the "Impower Women" luncheon @ Corral di Tierra Country Club on May 19.  Sharon Gish will be the keynote speaker for the event.  Another great cause(see attached flyer). Then I'm hitting the road for a marketing junket.  Stay tuned!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Special Thanks to Stella Page

I've been blessed with a few upcoming events.  Two of which are in May.  I was so torn about the May 7th event, as my cousin is getting married in New Orleans.  I had to make the best decision for the company & that was to be part of this event. 
All the decisions that have been made so far seem right & true. 

A special thanks goes to Stella Page of Stella Page designs.  She is a wonderful friend, great business resource, and an amazing designer.  I personally own 5 of her handbags and all are works of art.  Stella's bags are all One of a Kind, number pieces and internationally admired. A special thanks goes out to her for sharing her experience and knowledge with me.  Thanks for being of service.  Stella's handbags can be found at

SVCC - The Write Up

This journey has been amazing. Surreal at times. Then something like this write up comes out & I have to believe it's real, it's happening, and I'm part of it.  Weird!!!  I've been working on the Spring Collection & I have to say it is adorable.  Modest, I know. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Enter Natalie into LaLa Originals World

Natalie responded to my Craigslist Ad & we set up a time to meet. As “Lady X” didn’t pan out, time was of the essence.  I had a neurologist appt, so I was going to meet her at her home.  After 20 plus shots in my head & feeling better, I arrived at Natalie’s house.  Instantly, it felt right.  I knocked on the door & these little voices on the other side said, “Who is it”.  Those two little girls are the sugary sweet angels around.  They call me “Miss Cindy.”  Is that the cutest thing ever?  They are like two little fairy princesses.  Anyway, I digress.

Nat lead me to the backyard where she has her studio.  Wonderland of creation with mannequins, material, & sewing machines abound.  We quickly got off subject & started talking about migraines, as it was determined we shared this.  She was off to an appointment in which she was going to get trigger point injections and she was a bit apprehensive.  I assured her that I had had several, they didn’t hurt, & there was nothing to worry about.  Now back on subject…. I pulled my designs out of the bag I had brought them in & we discussed my needs.  None of which were a problem.  I told Natalie when I’d like to pick them up & I left.

I loved the way things were going… We were communicating through text w/photos if she had questions & all seemed to be on track.  Then 3 days later, I picked up some of the order as Natalie was having pain in her shoulder & had not been breathing well. Concerned, I told her to not worry about the rest, that she just needed to take care of herself.  I think the next communication with her was from her hospital bed @ Chomp.  She had continued having problems breathing & they admitted her.  It turns out her lung had collapsed from the injection.  Yes, I felt terrible for her & a tad guilty, as I told her there was nothing to worry about.   However, knowing that my experiences were not like hers. It was rare that that would happen.  Natalie felt badly because she knew I needed the balance but there was no need.  I let her know that they were only scarves & it was she that needed to get better.  LaLa Originals would survive while she healed.  Heal she did.